The New Hi-Fi Cool – USB and Power Cables – JCAT USB Card XE or Motherboard USB … a review by file comparison

Welcome to the new version of Hi-Fi Cool where we are going to compare hi-fi equipment using files recorded on an analog to digital converter, sometimes referred to as a ADC or A2D. The smallest details will be compared between audio and network equipment such as preamplifiers, DACs, cables, switches and routers. Even the smallest part of a system will be tested such as vacuum tubes. Equipment sourced from audiophiles and manufacturers will be compared. In the future, we plan on selling gear that comes close to sounding like the original files but to be Hi-Fi Cool, form must also meet function.

PLEASE NOTE: When listening to the comparison files, we recommend you use a good headphone rig which includes headphones, DAC and headphone amplifier.

Comparison files:
Winner – 35MB ZIP:

All files – 406 MB ZIP:

Tested components  (see comparison files above):
Audioquest Forest USB Cable
Lush ^3 USB Cable
Curious USB Cable
Generic Stock Power Cable
Audioquest Dragon Source Power Cable
JCAT USB Card XE (powered with battery pack)
Motherboard’s USB
Furutech Alpha PS-950-18 Powerflux
In system but stayed the same throughout the tests:
Xeon Based Custom Media Server
(HDPLEX PSU with Dell switched mode PSU w. generic power cable)
Audio GD DI-20HE DDC (Audioquest Hurricane Source Power cable
DCS Scarlatti DAC (Audioquest Dragon Source Power Cable)
Esoteric G-05 Master Clock Generator (Shunyata Sigma V2 NR Power Cable)
(Cybershaft Clock Cables)
Tellurium Black Diamond hf digital SPDIF (Audio GD DDC to Media Server)

Our take:
Goal: Get as close as we can to the same sound of the original files. Attempt to keep everything as neutral throughout the chain to hear what the artist, producer and engineer intended.  For the time being, use these results to select the best testing rig possible for future tests where changes to the system happen further up-stream.

Round 1:
It’s all about eliminating the weakest links. Even though I’m using an Audio GD DDC to get rid of distortion and re-clock the digital signal, having a clean signal from the media server or the source feeding the DDC is critical as noise can always take a free ride affecting the DAC at the point where it converts the digital signal to analog. Everything matters. The USB coming out of the motherboard will be compared to a JCAT USB Card XE with a 5v battery pack. In the future, we also plan on testing a linear power supply with different USB cards. Tests have already been performed comparing the use of the Estoteric G-05 master clock to no clock at all. The clock’s removal is the equivalent of removing a thin wool blanket, everything gets better.  Most reviewers believe timing is everything in regards to all parts of the digital path.

Audioquest Forest USB cable with Korg ADC on generic stock power cable:
One word, muted, loss in resolution. Less expensive cable just can’t compete with its higher priced competitors. This is a great cable if you running a lesser system where you would not hear the difference.

Audioquest Forest USB cable with Korg ADC on Audioquest Dragon Source power cable:
There is the resolution. Was it the stock power cable all along. Tone sounds true.  Like a real violin. Cymbal hits seem a little too emphasized lacking a little touch of realism compared to the original file. Hear just a little more resolution in piano key strokes in the original file.  Maybe this is happening because the silver utilized in the Forest is not PSS silver (perfect surface silver).

Lush ^3 USB cable with Korg ADC on generic stock power cable:
Now we can hear the uptick in resolution. Can hear Jack Broadbent breathe. Doesn’t sound as holographic as the original file. Guitar sounds a little flat, 2D. Trumpet just a little muted sounding.

Lush ^3 USB Cable USB cable with Korg ADC on Audioquest Dragon Source power cable:
Hear more texture in violin strings then with the Forest USB cable and Dragon power cable. Violin just sounds sweeter sounding like the original file. Horn seems little more refined a real. Snare drum sounds so natural with perfect tone. Really picks up the touch of the piano like the original file. This was my favorite combination before I switched from the USB on the media server to the JCAT USB XE card.

Curious USB cable with Korg ADC on generic stock power cable:
Use to own this cable when I had a Chord Hugo 2. Even more resolution then the Lush. Just a little hard, less sense of touch.  Trumpet definitely more alive and not muted

Curious USB cable with Korg ADC on Audioquest Dragon Source power cable:
Horn just has too much focus, not as 3d with refinement like the Lush ^3 USB Cable with the Dragon source power cable. Maybe just a little too sharp. Piano touch just a little too over emphasized.

Plucks on upright bass just don’t sound as real as with the Lush or Curious USB cables

Lush-Dragon-JCAT (WINNER)
Using JCAT card with 5V battery power back, I hear even more resolution. Everything seems to come from a more black background. Gets rid of the hash. I hear more of the performance space. I also hear more tonal complexity in the piano key strokes . When cymbal is hit, it shimmers with vitality, like the real thing. In violin strings, I hear just as much texture as with the Furutech power cable but there is just so much more frequency extension in the highs with the Dragon source power cable.

Just like before, cymbal hits just too  strident, tizzy. This might be even more emphasized now when using the JCAT card. This just show you as you move up, things that didn’t matter as much very much matter. Plucks on upright bass not as visceral like with the Lush-Dragon-JCAT combination, more like Forest in this regard. Just more 2D sounding compared to Lush

Plucks of upright bass just don’t go as deep as with the Dragon power cable. Also, cymbal strikes don’t quite shimmer like the real thing. Just a little muted

What next?
I chose  the above files because they could be found on Tidal. Lets stream and see how close we get compared to flat files on media server’s local drive.

UPDATE 7/11/2024:
While streaming with the JCAT USB XE card and Lush USB cable, the Sennheiser HD800S headphones sounded better then I’ve ever heard them sound, just gorgeous. End game! This was big upgrade coming from the USB off the motherboard with an Audioquest Forest USB cable.


Future Test components:
SoTM tX-USBx10G USB Host Card
Pink Faun USB bridge v2
Ansuz Acoustics PowerSwitch
Audience FrontRow USB Cable
SOtM sNH-10G Network Switch
TPLink Switch, Router, WAF Endpoint
Small Green Computer Fiber Kit
Farad Super10 Power Supply
Plixir Elite BDC Linear Power Supply
Your Suggestions?

We thank the following for the use of their sample files:

Components sometimes used for testing and analysis:
Xeon Based Custom Media Server (HDPLEX PSU with switched mode PSU
Motherboard USB & JCAT USB Card XE > Audio GD DI-20HE > DCS Scarlatti DAC
Esoteric G-05 Master Clock Generator  > Audio GD DI-20HE & DCS Scarlatti DAC
Enleum AMP-23R Integrated Amplifier
Bakoon SATRI AMP-5514 Pure Class A 15W Amplifier
Dan Clark E3 Headphones
Sennheiser HD800S Headphones & Moon-Audio Silver Dragon Cable
Decware Trapezium Speakers v1, ZU Audio Soul Mk II Speakers
Cabling: Audioquest Thunderbird RCA Interconnects and speaker cables, Cybershaft Clock Cables,Tellurium Black Diamond hf digital SPDIF, Audioquest Forest USB Cable, Furutech Alpha PS-950-18 Powerflux, Shunyata Research Sigma V2 NR, Audioquest Hurricane and Dragon Source power cables, ZU Audio LIBTEC speaker cables